
Shida Bazyar

Shida Bazyar piše jasno i aktualno, moćno i beskompromisno, često se fokusirajući na seksizam i rasizam. Njezin drugi roman Nas tri (Drei Kameradinnen) kritika je proglasila književnim iznenađenjem i jednim od najvažnijih njemačkih romana 2021. godine. U nas objavljen u izdanju Frakture i u prijevodu Snježane Božin, roman se hvata u koštac s problemima suvremenog društva – marginalizacijom drukčijih, rastućom ksenofobijom, jačanjem radikalne desnice – i ujedno naglašava važnost prijateljstva, zajedništva i humanosti.

Za prvijenac Nachts ist es leise in Teheran [Noću je tiho u Teheranu], objavljen 2016. godine i preveden na nekoliko jezika, Shida je osvojila više nagrada.

Rođena je 1988. godine u Hermeskeilu u Njemačkoj.


Shida Bazyar has a clear, contemporary voice and writes powerfully and uncompromisingly, often focusing on topics such as sexism and racism. Her second novel Sisters in Arms (original title: Drei Kameradinnen) has been praised by the critics as a literary surprise and one of the most important German novels in 2021. It tackles some of the pressing issues of our time – marginalisation of the different, increasing xenophobia, strengthening of the radical right movement – and at the same time emphasises importance of friendship, community and humanity.

For her debut novel Nachts ist es leise in Teheran [Tehran is Quiet at Night], which was published in 2016 and has been translated into several languages, she has won several awards.

Shida was born in 1988 in Hermeskeil, Germany.